Are you prepared to go back to office life?
The latest Deloitte CFO survey has reported that leaders at major UK companies believe that the majority of their staff will be back in the office by the third quarter of this year. But speaking to freelancers and employees The Freelance Informer can report that both are prepared to negotiate a remote or hybrid working model as standard.
A small percentage of companies believe going back to the office in Q3 is not realistic, according to a Statista report. Based on our own conversations, this could be because not all staff will be vaccinated or simply because the business owner has sold or ended the lease on the office and has been saving considerable cash in the process to pump back into the business.
Keeping to a remote model may also reflect the decision some companies have already made to allow their employees to work from any location they desire – a high profile example of this being Twitter, suggests the Statista report.
“For those with the opportunity to work from home during the pandemic, the ‘new normal’ has by now simply become, well, normal. With the UK’s vaccination programme bringing the country ever closer to herd immunity though, companies and employees alike are beginning to think more seriously about a return to the ‘old normal’ and when this could realistically happen,” said the report.
Should all companies regardless of size offer a remote or hybrid working model to attract and retain talented freelancers and staff?
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