Empowering the Freelance Economy

Freelancers take client to court for unpaid bills

Photo by Kyle Loftus via Pexels
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Freelancers are taking the owner of Dragonfly Digital Video Services to court over thousands of pounds of unpaid bills, it has been reported by Brighton and Hove News.

The news report stated that the news service has spoken to several people who have had dealings with Charlie Southall, who runs the video service company and that has hired freelancers for years and seen court documents relating to other cases.

According to the video company’s website, their clients and successful case studies have included Peroni, Sony Play Station, Starling Bank, Mercedes Benz and even the British Transport Police.

The story has also brought to light that Southall has outraged locals by crowdfunding for a listed pub to be converted into a refuge for Ukrainian refugees only to cut the project short and strip off listed tiles on the front of the building days after he announced via a video that he would not be going ahead with the pub conversion, which according to the report did not have a change of use permission.

Read more about the story here.

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