Gotta have that gadget? Germ-killing mobile chargers, talking running shoes, micro-current facials to portable translators and carpet skates
Most of us love a good gadget to fix our daily problems. The Freelance Informer came across a few weird and wonderful ones and thought we’d share what we found. Just don’t blame us if the people at home give you funny looks when you start using them and professing their genius in true infomercial style.
When I first read of the PORTiBAC sanitising spray gun my imagination may have run away from me. Oh, the sanitising possibilities! My teenager’s room for starters. Do I warn him before I start fogging?

Then I thought, why stop there since we are still grappling with COVID? Why not line the kids up when I pick them up from school and fog ’em down before they get into the car? Or go one step further and run a school bake sale to fund a PORTiBAC MOBILE, a vehicle that can spray down all the kids and playdown equipment in one go? Sure, we may get some odd looks from passersby and have to grapple with some childhood social trauma when this pandemic lifts, but you have to hand it to the people behind the PORTiBAC for coming up with a sweet-smelling alternative to alcohol-laden sanitising products. You see, the fogger uses an eco-friendly sanitising agent that comes in 5L containers in either Tropical Citrus or Fragrant cinnamon, both certified to kill SARs, HIV and covid-19 on surfaces. Their website’s James Bond theme music just adds to the thrill (Ok, I giggled a bit, but not as much as when I pictured myself in the PORTiBAC Mobile).
And while we are on the topic of sanitisers, what about that grimy mobile phone? There’s a gadget to not only clean that, but charge it at the same time. The QDOS UV Sanitiser disinfects your smartphone, tech devices and accessories in one place. It claims to eliminate up to 99.99% of common surface bacteria at the click of a button. It can charge your devices with Qi wireless charging to power you through the day. Its LED indicator is designed to notify you of the sanitisation and power status. The compartment easily fits iPhones, smartphones, earbuds, and many other everyday objects.
Spring into action
With all this cleaning power, you’re going to need an excuse to break a sweat. What better way than with a run? The NURVV Run app “listens to your feet” and analyses your technique then trains you into a better, healthier runner as you hit your goals and manage injury risk. It can do this through a monitoring device that hooks up to your trainers and interconnects to sensor-powered insoles. If you run with your mobile or another handheld device, the app can be programmed with a virtual coach that provides encouragement and advice as you run, collecting your run data. See below for a 30% discount that finishes on the 10th of April.
30%* off NURVV Run
Use code: SPRING30 at checkout
*offer valid 2/4/2021 to 10/4/2021 on
Beauty tune-up?
Now that you’ve got your health sorted, why not dabble into the beauty department? This is not just for the ladies, since we all get a bit saggy and wrinkly come a certain age and could do with a bit of a lift – literally.
From boosting collagen and circulation to minimising the appearance of wrinkles, gadgets are using micro-currents, UV, and LED lights to achieve results. But as this video below advises, these gadgets, work much like a repeat workout and therefore need to fit into your daily routine to have lasting results.
Don’t forget the kids
Kids crawling the walls on a rainy day? Then these carpet skates could keep them entertained for a while while their ipad is charging and getting sanitised. If the kids are having a sleepover at Grandma and Grandad’s these might give the grandparents a break after being conned into making a TikTok video. Drama class project, huh? Yeah right. These carpet skates are available on Amazon, but seem to be selling out fast. These are not dog-proof (there’s always that kids isn’t there?).
Worldly wonders
When travel corridors open up again later this year (and Brits see sunshine), you may want to immerse yourself in new cultures. And what better way than to speak the local lingo? ENENCE – an instant translator device that enables you to communicate in a two-way conversation in 36 languages can help you do just that. The translating speed is impressive at 1.5 seconds. However, for the device to work, you will need a WIFI/Internet connection and the translator will also have to be connected to an app on your mobile. One way around that is through a Portable Wireless 4G Router.