Empowering the Freelance Economy

Majority of Gen Z is willing to work nights and weekends for higher pay. What about the Baby Boomers?

Misconceptions about different generations could be impacting hiring practices/ Photo by Askar Abayev via Pexels
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Gen Z vs Baby Boomers: the most common similarities and differences

  • Politics, travel, work and climate change are the areas that both Gen Z and Boomers have the most in common
  • A common misconception for Gen Z is that they are lazy, while 58% say they are willing to work weekends and evenings for extra pay, breaking that myth. It could also give them an advantage when looking for extra work.
  • Those aged over 65 are not unfamiliar with going online as 68% say they do use the internet daily

Generation Z (born 1997-2012) and Baby Boomers (born 1946 – 1964) often perceive themselves as different in many ways, but are they really as different as they think? 

Ths is a question that was posed and researched based on several data and generational views by the team at Middletons Mobility, a mobility specialist. The company conducted an analysis to reveal the top areas that both generations have similarities and differences.

If misconceptions about certain generations are held by hiring companies and recruitment professionals they could be doing a disservice to candidates. Not getting the most out of a multigenerational workforce is holding our society and economy back.

A multi-generational workforce should be celebrated because it can help fulfill different skills and responsibilities
Photo by Alexander Suhorucov via Pexels

What Generation am I?

Here is a guide to help you find which generation you belong to and to know the difference between your Millennials, Alphas and Silents.  

Gen Alpha2013 – 20202 – 9
Gen Z1997 – 201210 – 25
Millennials1981 – 199626 – 41
Gen X1965 – 198042 – 57
Baby Boomers1946 – 196458 – 76
Silent Generation1928 – 194577 – 94
Greatest GenerationPre – 192894 +
Source: Middletons Mobility

What similar attitudes do Gen Z and Boomers share?

They don’t trust the Government 

Both Gen Z (44%) and baby boomers (57%) think that politicians from all parties are less honest than they have been in the past, according to the research.

Voting turnout amongst younger age groups is trending slightly upwards. For those aged 55-74 the number of voters dipped slightly with people potentially put off by the winter election.

They are open to travelling abroad 

While it could be said that there are stereotypes of home-loving older people and mobile youngsters, data actually shows that both generations are open to exploring new cities and countries. 

A study from Eurostat shows that 51% of Gen Z and 43% of Boomers expect to visit domestic and international destinations. Additionally, 72% of Gen Zs are planning, or at least thinking about, splurging on a big getaway trip in 2022, compared with 51% of Boomers. While it is evident that Gen Z is planning on travelling more than other generations, by no means are Boomers tied down to their home comforts either.  

Environmental change is a big priority

Most Gen Z and Boomers have a shared concern about climate change and are both willing to make changes to their lifestyles to protect the planet. 

Following the record-breaking heat waves of the summer of 2022, a study showed that British people now feel more worried about climate change. Prior to the summer, 20% of people said they felt “very worried”. This has now jumped up to 33%. 

Data showed that adults aged 45-64 were more likely to exceed the weekly alcohol limits. It is reported that 37% of men and 19% of women drink over the recommended 14 units of alcohol in a week.

On the other hand, young adults aged 16-24 were the least likely to drink over 14 units per week (19% men and 11% women).

Due to Covid-19, Gen Z-ers missed out on social drinking during their formative partying years, and now due to the fall out from restrictions, the nighttime entertainment industry has changed. In the last three years, one-in-five nightclubs in the UK have closed, leaving young people (and the young at heart) to find alternative, and potentially less boozy, nighttime entertainment. 

Cutting out meat and dairy several days each week is not such an issue with younger and older generations. It’s linked to their values about climate change.
Photo by Vegan Liftz via Pexels

When it came to lifestyle modifications to combat climate change, both generations appeared to be on board:

  • 36% (65+) and 34% (18-24) would cut out meat and dairy two or three meals a week
  • 27% (65+) 44% (18 – 24) would switch to electric cars
  • 60% (65+) 47%(18 -24) would only eat fruit and veg that are in season
  • 19% (65+) 31% (18-24) would buy clothes from second-hand or charity shops

Most common misconceptions for both Gen Z and Baby Boomers 

Boomers are not as tech-adversed as people may think

Data from the ONS showed that 67% of over 65s use the internet daily, compared with 100% of Gen Z. The survey also revealed that when it came to shopping, four in five Brits shop online, that’s up from three in four last year. More than half of Boomers have said that they now shop online.

Gen Z was the most likely to take a hybrid approach, shopping in-store and online across all categories (36%). Meanwhile, 18% of Boomers opted for a hybrid approach for their shopping needs.

Gen Z are hardworking than any other generation

58% of Gen Z said that they would be willing to work nights and weekends for higher pay. This number decreased with each previous generation, with 40% or lower for Gen X and Baby Boomers saying that they would be willing to work more for higher pay. 

Interestingly, Gen Z has high entrepreneurial aspirations, with 42% of Gen Z saying they want to have their own business, that’s 10 percentage points higher than any previous generation.

Ricky Towler, Co-Founder of Middletons Mobility said a lot has changed for young people in the last 50 years thanks to technological and societal advancements.

“Our findings communicated to us that these two often divided generations have a lot more in common than you may think, ” said Towler.

“Our differences after all must be celebrated and encouraged. New and fresh perspectives, guided by the wisdom and experience that often comes with age, support us to pursue new technology, create solutions and work to solve the world’s problems. Now let’s just wait and see what Generation Alpha will have in store for us all.”

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